Tuesday, July 12

TN Electricity Billing System

Login Window
                                                                      LOGIN FORM

Public pwd, user As String

Private Sub cmdlog_Click()
 If pwd = txtpwd.Text And user = txtuser.Text Then
 MsgBox "Your User name or Password is Incorrect........!", vbInformation
 txtuser.Text = ""
 txtpwd.Text = ""

 End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
 pwd = "admin"
 user = "admin"
End Sub

Main Menu
                                                                    MENU FORM

Private Sub cmdfrmadd_Click()

Load cusadd
End Sub

Private Sub cmdfrmmon_Click()
Load mainfrm

End Sub

Private Sub cmdfrmsrc_Click()
  Load frmsrc

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
  time.Caption = Now & "   " & Right(Format(Timer, "#0.00"), 2)
End Sub

Billing Window

                                                                               MONTHLY BILL

  If cat = 2 Then
  Set rscus = New ADODB.Recordset
  id = CStr(Trim(comid.Text) & CStr(txtid.Text))
  MsgBox "Customer ID = " & id
  qry1 = "select *from cus_tab where cid like '" & Trim(id) & "'"
  rscus.Open qry1, con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

  If rscus.RecordCount > 0 Then

   If Not txtpread.Text = "" And Not txtunit = "" And Not txtamt.Text = "" And Not txtcread.Text  = "" Then
 rscus!cname = txtname.Text
 rscus!addres = txtads.Text
 rscus!pread = Val(txtpread.Text) + Val(txtunit.Text)
 rscus!unit = Val(txtunit.Text)
 rscus!amt = Val(txtamt.Text)


 MsgBox "Customer Record is updated123 !", vbInformation
 MsgBox "Please Fill up Empty box"
    End If
   MsgBox "No Record found  !"
 End If
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdsrc_Click()

 Set rscus = New ADODB.Recordset
 id = CStr(Trim(comid.Text) & CStr(txtid.Text))
 MsgBox "Customer ID = " & id
 qry1 = "select * from cus_tab where cid like '" & Trim(id) & "'"
 rscus.Open qry1, con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

 If rscus.RecordCount > 0 Then
  id = rscus!cid
 txtname.Text = rscus!cname
 txtads.Text = rscus!addres
 txtunit.Text = rscus!unit
 txtpread.Text = rscus!pread
 txtsi.Text = rscus!si
 ch = 1
 si = rscus!si
 MsgBox " The Record not Exist", vbInformation
 ch = 0
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

 Set con = New ADODB.Connection
 con.Open "sms"
  si = 1
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

 time.Caption = Now & "   " & Right(Format(Timer, "#0.00"), 2)
End Sub

Private Sub txtcread_LostFocus()

 If Not Val(txtcread.Text) > Val(txtpread.Text) Then
 MsgBox " Current Reading should greater than previous Reading"
 txtcread.Text = ""
End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtid_GotFocus()

 txtid.Text = ""
End Sub

Add Customer
                                                                 ADD NEW CUSTOMER

Public uv As Double
 Public id As String
 Public ch As Integer

Private Sub cmdac_Click()
 Label4.Visible = True
 Label5.Visible = True
 Label6.Visible = True
 Label7.Visible = True
 txtpread.Visible = True
 txtcread.Visible = True
 txtamt.Visible = True
 txtunit.Visible = True
 cmdcal.Visible = True
 cmdsrc.Visible = True
 cat = 2

End Sub

Private Sub cmdcal_Click()
txtunit.Text = Val(txtcread.Text) - Val(txtpread.Text)
    If Val(txtunit.Text) < 100 Then
    uv = Val(txtunit.Text) * 1.2
    ElseIf Val(txtunit.Text) >= 100 And Val(txtunit.Text) <= 490 Then
    uv = Val(txtunit.Text) * 1.5
    ElseIf Val(txtunit.Text) >= 500 And Val(txtunit.Text) <= 999 Then
    uv = Val(txtunit.Text) * 2
    ElseIf Val(txtunit.Text) >= 1000 And Val(txtunit.Text) <= 1500 Then
    uv = Val(txtunit.Text) * 2.5
    ElseIf Val(txtunit.Text) > 1500 Then
    uv = Val(txtunit.Text) * 3.5
  End If
txtamt.Text = uv

End Sub

Private Sub cmdclr_Click()
  txtname.Text = ""
  txtads.Text = ""
  txtunit.Text = ""
  txtpread.Text = ""
  txtcread.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub cmdcnew_Click()
Label4.Visible = False
Label5.Visible = False
Label6.Visible = False
Label7.Visible = False
txtpread.Visible = False
txtcread.Visible = False
txtamt.Visible = False
txtunit.Visible = False
cmdcal.Visible = False

cat = 1
End Sub

Private Sub cmddel_Click()

If ch = 1 Then

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdend_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdnext_Click()
comid = "----->"
Set rscus = New ADODB.Recordset

qry1 = "select * from cus_tab where si= " & si
rscus.Open qry1, con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

If rscus.RecordCount > 0 Then

txtid = rscus!cid
txtname.Text = rscus!cname
txtads.Text = rscus!addres
txtunit.Text = rscus!unit
txtpread.Text = rscus!pread
 txtsi.Text = rscus!si
si = si + 1

MsgBox " The Record not Exist", vbInformation
 si = 1
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdpre_Click()
comid = "<-----"
Set rscus = New ADODB.Recordset

qry1 = "select * from cus_tab where si= " & si
rscus.Open qry1, con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

If rscus.RecordCount > 0 Then

txtid = rscus!cid
txtname.Text = rscus!cname
txtads.Text = rscus!addres
txtunit.Text = rscus!unit
txtpread.Text = rscus!pread
 txtsi.Text = rscus!si
si = si - 1
MsgBox "  Previous Record not Exist,Pointer point to First Record ", vbInformation

 si = 1

 End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdrep_Click()
Load DataReport1
End Sub

Private Sub cmdsave_Click()

Search Customer
                                                                    SEARCH FORM

Private Sub cmdexit_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdnext_Click()
comid = "----->"
Set rscus = New ADODB.Recordset

qry1 = "select * from cus_tab where si= " & si
rscus.Open qry1, con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

If rscus.RecordCount > 0 Then

txtid = rscus!cid
txtname.Text = rscus!cname
txtads.Text = rscus!addres
txtunit.Text = rscus!unit
txtpread.Text = rscus!pread
 txtsi.Text = rscus!si
si = si + 1

MsgBox " The Record not Exist", vbInformation
 si = 1
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdpre_Click()

comid = "<-----"
Set rscus = New ADODB.Recordset

qry1 = "select * from cus_tab where si= " & si
rscus.Open qry1, con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

If rscus.RecordCount > 0 Then

txtid = rscus!cid
txtname.Text = rscus!cname
txtads.Text = rscus!addres
txtunit.Text = rscus!unit
txtpread.Text = rscus!pread
 txtsi.Text = rscus!si
si = si - 1
MsgBox "  Previous Record not Exist,Pointer point to First Record ", vbInformation

 si = 1

 End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdsrc_Click()

Set rscus = New ADODB.Recordset
id = CStr(Trim(comid.Text) & CStr(txtid.Text))
MsgBox "Customer ID = " & id
qry1 = "select * from cus_tab where cid like '" & Trim(id) & "'"
rscus.Open qry1, con, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

If rscus.RecordCount > 0 Then
id = rscus!cid
txtname.Text = rscus!cname
txtads.Text = rscus!addres
txtunit.Text = rscus!unit
txtcread.Text = rscus!cread
txtamt.Text = rscus!amt
txtpread.Text = rscus!pread
txtsi.Text = rscus!si
MsgBox " The Record not Exist", vbInformation

End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
con.Open "sms"
si = 1
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
time.Caption = Now & "   " & Right(Format(Timer, "#0.00"), 2)
End Sub

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